All about my latest serial...

The serial I’m currently running on my serial page, Spinning Storyworlds, is an urban fantasy/classic detective novella titled The Last Word. It’s the first installment in my novella series, The Case Files of Owan Craig. Case Files follows the adventures of Owan Craig, a half-fae private detective who operates in Roarin’ Twenties of New York City…only not the New York City you may be familiar with. The speakeasies are run by fae,n mobsters sell addictive elfwine, and who knows what kinds of monsters roam the streets at night…

This story was born out of my love for the 1920s and classic detective fiction. It was first published in StoryHack Volume 5.

(if you’re unwilling to wait to read the serial piece by piece, The Last Word is available on Amazon in ebook and paperback as The Case Files of Owan Craig: Volume 1. The book also includes two more novellas, The Silver Bridle and The Green Man.)

Start Here! (Part 1)