This is a story that blends the modern world with a hidden world of elves and magic, written as an origin story for an elven themed anthology. A link to the other stories can be found below.
Magical - simply magical - I want so badly to wander into this place.
Good story! But I thought she was going to find the lost kid in the weird fairy place. Seems like an odd plot thread to leave hanging.
Glad you enjoyed it!
The plot thread about the missing child was one of several suggested that I left hanging, for other authors in the anthology to fill in.
Magical - simply magical - I want so badly to wander into this place.
Good story! But I thought she was going to find the lost kid in the weird fairy place. Seems like an odd plot thread to leave hanging.
Glad you enjoyed it!
The plot thread about the missing child was one of several suggested that I left hanging, for other authors in the anthology to fill in.